CEO warns to delight customers or lose your job
Sometimes employees need a wakeup-call about wowing customers. Best if that message comes from the CEO. Certainly managers, supervisors, and outside specialists like me can remind team members about how no one can afford to have customers merely satisfied. Instead, customers need to think of you as REMARK-able. Satisfied customers think you’re adequate. In other words, they’re not really thinking about you at all. Nor are they recommending you; live or online or in social media. Average service makes you a commodity; pressuring your prices and profits. On top of customer service reminders from normal sources, it’s the CEO who needs to refocus everyone’s attention. Consider the example of Gary Friedman, head of Restoration Hardware Holdings, who, after discovering customers were cancelling orders, blasted off this building on fire message to all employees. Imagine receiving this Alarming message from the CEO .
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