Customer Service Training TIps

Are your repeat customers Loyal?

Understanding True Customer Loyalty

I’ve observed that businesses often fail because managers confuse repeat customers for loyal customers. For example, I was a repeat customer at my local video store despite the poor service I’d receive. I was unwilling to drive 15 minutes further to the competition for a simple video. The moment a competitor moves in locally, however, that first store won’t just lose some of my business, they’ll lose it all.

You may have repeat customers, but that doesn’t mean they’re loyal to you. Managers and business owners who fail to understand and address this do so at their own peril.  

Today’s chuckle:

Suburbia: where they tear out the trees and name streets after them.

Written By Jeff Mowatt (original content – not AI generated)

Was this helpful?   For additional information on this topic:  Customer Service Trends/Strategic Planning

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Jeff Mowatt is a customer service speaker, customer service training professional, award-winning speaker, and best-selling author.



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