Customer Service Training TIps

It’s OK – I Trust You – Strengthening Client Relationships

Building Client Loyalty: The Power of Showing Trust

To strengthen your client relationships – and encourage prompt payment, consider this statement.

Looking for a gas fitter to install a line to my bar-b-que, I found “Jock” of Artisan 98 through the Yellow Pages. He arrived as promised and gave me a competitive quote. When I asked if he needed a deposit, Jock declined stating, “It’s OK – I trust you.” I was flattered, and more importantly, paid him promptly upon completion to prove his trust was well placed. It strikes me that Jock was a master at more than just gas fitting. I wonder… are there similar opportunities for you to voice your confidence in your customer when your gut tells you that you should?

Today’s chuckle:

Pride is what we have. Vanity is what others have.


Written By Jeff Mowatt (original content – not AI generated)


Was this helpful?   For additional information on this topic: Greeting Customers and Establishing Trust

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Jeff Mowatt is a customer service & sales speaker, customer service & sales trainer, a business communication strategist, award-winning speaker, and best-selling author.


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