No referrals for good service
It’s unfortunate that many ‘experts’ teach techniques for gaining customer referrals that I believe do more harm than good. They recommend asking customers to provide names of 2 or 3 other potential customers for you to contact. I’ve talked before about how annoying this can be to the original customer, and to the person being contacted. The question here is, “What motivates customers to recommend you voluntarily; without being pushed?” Contrary to popular opinion, merely providing good service does not typically generate referrals. It doesn’t even get noticed. Customers have other priorities on their minds. To be noticed by customers, your service needs to not be better than your competition; it needs to be different. In other words, your service needs to be literally remark-able. Bottom line, you’ll generate more new business by focusing on being REMARKABLE than by asking for REFERRALS.
Jeff Mowatt is a customer service strategist, award-winning speaker, and bestselling author. For more tips, training tools or to inquire about engaging Jeff for your team visit
Today’s chuckle:
Success is relative – the more success, the more relatives.
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