Reduce your Workload and Enhance your Impact
A senior manager at a trucking company who’d brought me in to work with his leadership team remarked, “We’re too quick to send emails and texts. We should instead be opting to talk with our customers and team members.” He went on to explain how the impersonal tone of electronic communications has created misunderstandings and made people feel less connected to customers and coworkers. His company isn’t alone. In most organizations I work with, the sheer volume of electronic messages inadvertently discourages in-person conversations; undermining corporate culture and values. People feel like they have to bang off instant replies just to keep up. Too often, electronic messages sacrifice effectiveness on the throne of expediency. That’s why in our Trusted Advisor seminars we remind people about how much more you accomplish in a single conversation; be it in-person, via Zoom, or on the phone, than with multiple emails or texts.