Customer Service Blog

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Simplify Customer Choices: Highlight What Makes You Different

Customer Service Speaker, Customer Service & Sales Speaker, Jeff Mowatt Blog post on how simplifing a customers decision making can help offer clarity Customers are generally getting too much information. When they consider buying, an internet search gets thousands of pages of information in under a second. That means whether you are submitting a written proposal, deciding what to include on your website, or having a buying conversation with a customer, you need to help make their decision easier. That’s why, of all the info you can provide, here’s perhaps the most useful… Explain (without naming names) what most other providers of your type of product or service supply. Continue by briefly explaining the downside of this approach. Tell the truth. Don’t exaggerate. Then explain how your product or service is different. Again, tell the truth. Don’t exaggerate. That’s it. You’ve now done the comparison shopping for the customer and conveyed the implied risk of going elsewhere. Customers need clarity not clutter. Help them understand what makes you different.

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