
Sales Technique that Backfires – Trying to Beat the Competition

Sales Technique that Backfires - trying to beat the competion Youtube sales training tip by Jeff Mowatt Customer Service & Sales Speaker, Customer Service & Sales Trainer

Badmouthing the competition doesn’t increase sales. Instead, use this selling technique when referring to your competitors.

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Say this to Sound more Helpful to Customers and Coworkers

Maximize your Impact at Work with Effective Communication

I’m just going to say it – I doubt you’re getting the credit you deserve at work. The reason, as I point out in my Trusted Advisor Customer Service seminars , is often work happens behind the scenes; beyond the view of customers and coworkers. That’s why the words you choose when actually talking with people at work has such an impact in their impressions of you.

Contrast for example, when a customer asks to speak with someone who isn’t available. A common response: “I’ll have to take a message”.  A more impactful response: “I’ll be happy to take a message.”  If you were the customer, which employee would you say provides better service and has a better attitude? It’s amazing how simply changing one word when communicating can have such an effect on customer perceptions.

How about you and your team? Could they use a refresh in their customer communication skills? Let me know if I can assist.

Written By Jeff Mowatt (original content – not AI generated)

Handling Angry Customers

How to Prevent an angry customer from becoming abusive

Handling Angry Customers prevent them from becoming abursive by Jeff Mowatt Customer Service & Sales Speaker/TrainerHow to strengthen customer loyalty and prevent customers from becoming angry when mistakes happen. In this video, Jeff Mowatt shares a valuable tip for handling angry customers by considering what's at stake. Using a real-life example, he illustrates how a fast food restaurant's short-sighted approach to a customer complaint escalated into a national headline.

Which of these 2 Phone Greetings will Make the Sale?

Boost Customer Satisfaction with Effective Phone Techniques

Quick – when phoning a company, which of these two organizations would you prefer to do business with? The first one answers: “ABC Auto.” The second answers, “Thank you for calling XYZ Auto, this is Dale.” If you’re like most customers, the second company gets your business.  Three reasons for the second greeting being more impactful:

  1. The person answering volunteered their name, indicating transparency – like they are OK being held accountable. They aren’t hiding.
  2. The second greeting did not add the word, ‘speaking’’  after their name. We want callers to remember our name and be encouraged to volunteer theirs. Since people remember the word spoken last, we want that word to be our name, not ‘speaking’.
  3. For the same reason, we don’t bother adding the useless, “How can I help you?” The caller will state why they’re calling if we let them. And we’ll have more positive energy with our greeting when it’s shorter - especially when we have to say it repeatedly.

Bottom line: when employees are trained on how to properly answer the phone, there’s a good chance in your customers’ minds, your employees are also trained to solve their problems. So simply providing some fundamentals on telephone communications creates an easy competitive advantage. How about your team - could they use a tune-up with customer communications? Let me know if I can assist.

2 Simple Steps to Transform Troublesome Team Members

IManaging Diffuclt Employees video by Jeff Mowatt Customer Service & Sales Speaker and Trainert’s been said that life would be easy – except for the humans! If you’re faced with difficult customers, co-workers, or family members, check out this video where I reveal two keys to motivating difficult people - without creating hard feelings.

Boost your Credibility with this Simple Phrase

Increase Trust with Customers by using Clear and Honest Responses

Here’s an easy way to enhance your credibility when you’re interviewed, or when a customer asks you question.

Contrast two responses when the customer asks, "When will this be delivered?"

  • Sketchy reply: “This is a busy time of year for our manufacturer. But they’re still running on time. So it will be there by May 21st.”
  • Pro reply: “It will be there by May 21st.  This is a busy time of year for our manufacturer. But they’re still running on time.”

Notice the difference? When responding, first answer the question directly, then elaborate. Even when your answer is I don’t know, yet. Often when responding to questions, people begin by explaining all the background to their answer, and then eventually get around to answering the question. This gives the impression of skirting the issue; sometimes referred to as sounding like a politician. Answering questions directly and then elaborating gives the impression that you are respectful, transparent, and honest. Big difference for simply changing the order of a few words.

Selling for Grudge Purchases

Most customers don’t enjoy paying for ‘grudge’ purchases like car repairs, insurance, or braces for their children’s teeth. That’s why in this video I share 4 tips for how to make reluctant customers feel better about doing business with you and your team members

Easy Way to Sound more Helpful – even when you’re busy

Boost Your Approachability Effortlessly

How might your customers and coworkers describe the attitudes of you and your team members? Most of us think of ourselves as being generally pleasant. Heavens - any adult with a bit of common sense realizes we are paid to be nice. But our language doesn’t always come across that way to customers. Especially when we’re busy. The good news is there are three little words that make you sound more positive with internal and external customers. (No, they aren’t I love you. That would be weird).

I heard the 3 words phrase when I was a customer at a quick lube oil change place. They were changing my winter tires out with my summers, so while they hoisted my vehicle I needed to wait at reception. At one point an employee arrived and explained they’d be done in 5 minutes. When I thanked her, she cheerfully replied, “Happy to help”.  That simple phrase sounded more helpful than the typical you're welcome. Next time a customer or coworker thanks you, try out the phrase, Happy to help. You may be surprised at how easy it is to sound like you have a great attitude - even when you’re busy.


Written By Jeff Mowatt (original content – not AI generated)

Sell More by Saying Less

Four tips to Enhance Trust through Stronger Listening

Over the 30 plus years I’ve worked with teams to enhance their customer service and selling skills, I’ve observed one simple, seldom-used communication skill that builds trust. Those who apply it create stronger, higher-value relationships professionally and personally. The secret? Being seen as a strong listener. Unfortunately, there’s a catch.

Most of us think of ourselves as being good listeners, yet the way we actually communicate may unintentionally come across as dismissive or condescending. Not good. To ensure you’re drawing others in rather than putting them off, here are four ways you can enhance trust through stronger listening.

1. Rethink “Impressive”
Social media ‘influencers’ are often famously self-absorbed. Many video themselves displaying the latest fashion, workout technique, or political opinion. While this may impress in the one-way direction of social media posts, it’s generally obnoxious with one-on-one communications. Imagine a coworker droning on to you about their latest fashion or workout - without ever turning the conversation towards you.

By contrast, we are fascinated when people ask us questions and genuinely seem interested in our responses. Incessant talkers are annoying. Curious questioners are impressive.

2. Actually Listen
Many of us are guilty of simply waiting for the other person to finish talking so that we can finally share our pearls of wisdom. While it’s more polite than interrupting, being silent doesn’t mean we’re genuinely paying attention. Fortunately, there are two powerful words that prove you are a strong listener – sounds like. Starting your response with, “Sounds like…” forces you to paraphrase your understanding of their situation, proving you’re a good listener. You can take that to the bank with the next tip.

3. Punch-up your Proposals
One of the biggest mistakes sellers make with client proposals is giving an overview of what you’ll do/offer and how you’ll do it. The problem is we haven’t confirmed that we fully understand the customer’s unique circumstances. Instead, start your proposals by describing that customer’s issues. For example: “Sounds like your company has a challenge with A, B and C. And the consequence are X, Y and Z. So you’ll need a solution that will address this. That’s where we can assist.”

When you begin your proposals by defining their challenges and objectives, you instill confidence that whatever you propose is going to be tailored to them. That’s a significant step towards building trust and being viewed as a trusted advisor.

4. Make it Easy
Customers don’t need more choices. They’re already overwhelmed with seemingly unlimited choices with an internet search. What customers value, is what I call A.I.D.© “A” – we Analyze all the options that are available. Then “I” – interpret those options based on the customer's unique needs. Finally, “D” - direct them to a possible maximum of three options.

At that point the customer may feel so impressed with how you’ve narrowed their choices, they might simply ask, “What would you do?” Keeping with our theme of being a strong listener, we’d then reply with, “Knowing you, here’s what I’d suggest…” The key is your recommendation is based on what you know of the customer, so it’s likely to be seen as a custom-made solution.

Bottom line – Helping customers make buying decisions is less about being a smooth talker, and more about being a strong listener. Could your team use a training tune-up on their customer communication skills? If so, let’s chat. Then if it looks like a possible fit, we’ll put training package in-writing for you to consider.


Written By Jeff Mowatt (original content – not AI generated)

How to Collect From Late Paying Customers

7 Strategies for Ensuring Timely Payment Without Straining Relationships

Ever experience the awkwardness of having to call a customer to remind them to pay their bill? You walk a fine line of diplomacy. Being a pushover won't get the customer's attention. Being too pushy can offend risking losing not only money that's due, but future business as well. Most of the training I deliver for teams is about communicating with customers to create trust. You can use these same trust building principles to gain cooperation with customers who don’t pay. Check out this video where I share 7 tips for getting paid without creating hard feelings.



Written By Jeff Mowatt (original content – not AI generated)


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