Two-minute test to see if your job is vulnerable
Amazon is a perfect example of the business principle that,those companies who are the most customer-focused will dominate and disrupt the market. So, how customer-focused is your organization? Take for example how you identify and adapt to your customers’ changing needs and service expectations.
Virtually all companies respond to customer complaints, as does yours, no doubt. On top of that, many go further and proactively ask for feedback. The problem is for most organizations, any customer feedback goes to managers, but there is no system in place for everyone learning from that feedback and more importantly, adapting to that customer intel. So realistically, most organizations are no more customer-focused than their competitors. That means it only takes one company in that market – like Amazon, Uber, Netflix did in their markets – to disrupt and dominate the competition and put their competitors’ jobs in jeopardy. Remember Blockbuster?
The good news is there is a simple, zero-cost system for ensuring that as a manager you can have your team proactively gain, learn from, and adapt to your customers’ changing needs and service expectations. And it only takes 90 minutes a month. That means increasing the probability of your company disrupting your market instead of becoming displaced by a competitor who seems to come from nowhere. You’ll discover this turnkey system in my upcoming live-stream seminar. Check it out a Leading a Customer-Focused Team.
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