The Real Secret of Employee Motivation
I used to shudder when people described what I do for a living as being a ‘Motivational Speaker’. I’ve always believed you can’t motivate anyone to do anything they don’t want to do. Years ago, as a Karate instructor, I realized that people improved much faster when you not only helped them learn techniques, but why certain movements were more efficient. Similarly, having conducted customer service speeches and seminars for over 30 years, I found the same principle applies. Pep rally type messages don’t create lasting change with capable professionals. Employees get temporarily pumped-up, but it wears off. Instead, as you share reminders and strategies, people also need to understand why… why this approach is better; for customers, for your organization, and for themselves . Sharing why to do something is just as important as what to do. Motivation is more about motive than mood.
Jeff Mowatt is a customer service strategist, award-winning speaker, and bestselling author. For more tips, training tools or to inquire about engaging Jeff for your team visit
Today’s chuckle:
A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well.
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