Customer Service Training TIps

How Not to End your Emails: Improve Communication

Improve Communiction: Emails that Build Trust with Customers and Coworkers

I wish I’d learned this sooner. Eventually I discovered that the more you treat customers like smart adults, the more receptive they’ll be to your expertise. Early in my career I used to finish my correspondence with phrases like, “If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call…” Today, as a customer myself, I still receive emails that end with that phrase. Customers who have questions know they can ask. The offer to accept their questions is not only clichéd – which sounds like we’re not really thinking about what we’re writing – it’s also condescending. Like the customer is too timid or too ignorant to ask questions. As I point out in my Trusted Advisor presentations, every phrase you share either builds or diminishes trust. Next time you write to your customer, you can avoid the unintended insult and invite a response by simply finishing with, “Your thoughts?”


Written By Jeff Mowatt (original content – not AI generated)


Was this helpful?   For additional information on this topic:  Greeting Customers and Establishing Trust

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Jeff Mowatt is a customer service & sales speaker, customer service & sales trainer, a business communication strategist, award-winning speaker, and best-selling author.


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