
Why Customers Shouldn’t be Number 1

why customers shouldn't be #1

Trusted Advisor Customer Service Video Tip
Time Management Tips
Reveal if you're working Smart or Hard

Typical time management methods often leave employees feeling like they are spinning their wheels. Team members want to complete important projects and take care of customers, but there are so many interruptions and competing priorities it’s difficult to gain ground. Fortunately, in this video I have three questions that reveal how by simply adjusting a few priorities, you can improve customer service, enhance efficiency, and help make more money for yourself and your company. As bonus, you get to go home at a decent hour and take care of your health and your relationships.

Anything Else I can Do for you?

Here's a wonderful phrase that separates service professionals from people who are just going-through-the-motions. In this case the employee was coordinating the conference room at a hotel where I was speaking. When he and I had finished going over the audio/visual set-up, he cheerfully offered, "Anything else I can do for you?" By using that phrase, he demonstrated that he wasn't just an employee who needed to set-up a meeting-room; he was a professional sincerely interested taking care of a customer. Simple sentence. Big difference.

Improve your Team’s English with Customers

Customer service video tip - improve your team's english with customers

Trusted Advisor Customer Service Video Tip
Improve English pronunciation
Accent reduction in customer service

As a manager, you may have noticed that some customers may have a hard time understanding some of your employees; for whom English is not their first language. That can strain customer relationships. That’s why in this video I’ll share four tips and strategies including accent reduction - to not only enhance customer relationships, but also personal relationships.

Four common customer turnoffs and hot to avoid them

customer service video tip - customer turn offs

Trusted Advisor Customer Service Video Tip
Customer Experience
4 common customer turnoffs and how to avoid them

Even well established companies commit some customer experience turnoffs. Problem is in most cases, managers aren’t even aware of these turnoffs. In this video, I reveal four of most common customer experience mistakes and how to avoid them

What Customers and Coworkers Actually Think of You

If you’ve attended my seminars you know that we often discuss the importance of not trying to become your customer’s pal. Nothing wrong with being friends with customers. Reality is though, many people may not like us because of our age, gender, ethnic background, sexual orientation etc. My suggestion is don’t try to be your customers’ or co-workers’ buddy. Instead, strive to be seen as their trusted advisor.  Here’s the catch…

We don’t say to others, “I’ll be your Trusted Advisor.” That would be laughable. Our brand is not what we claim it is. Our brand or reputation is what others think it is.

Similarly, it’s counterproductive saying to others, “I’m the kind of person who…” When we use a phrase like that, we’re trying too hard to impose an impression. Unfortunately, it just makes us sound insecure and desperate.

The bottom line is your reputation at work isn’t about whether people like you as a pal. It’s about earning a reputation for reliability. When you make commitments, you keep them. You don’t worry about gaining attention or who gets credit. Instead, you deliver consistently. That’s when people notice you, respect you, recommend you, and consider you to be their Trusted Advisor.

Four Words to Resolve Conflicts

In a perfect world, we’d never disagree with customers, co-workers, or family members. In reality, no matter how much we want to live in harmony, there will be differences of opinion. Our challenge is how do we address conflicts without making the situation worse?

The good news is one simple four-word phrase can help you to gain agreement. Here it is: “Help me understand..." Agreements don’t happen when we defend a position. True harmony comes from people feeling like they’ve been listened to. By saying, help me to understand…you’re indicating your willingness to consider their feelings and actions. That goes a long way to helping them become more receptive to yours.

Motivating employees to care more about customers

Trusted Advisor Customer Video Tip
Motivating Employees
5 ways to create a positive mindset

Customer service video tip - motivating employees to care more about customersEver notice how one employee with a poor attitude can deflate an entire team? It’s frustrating for everyone, including customers. That’s why in this video I reveal 5 simple strategies for motivating employees to provide remarkable service.

Do this – and customers will LOVE you

Question for you and your team about how to strengthen customer relationships: Are you more focused on a) getting customers to like you? Or b) getting customers to feel better about themselves?

We of course want people to like us. Problem is, trying to get customers to like us is akin to trying too hard to impress someone on a date. We’re putting the focus on ourselves, when ironically, we’d be more likeable by focusing on the other person.

Customers love it when you treat them like they are knowledgeable, intelligent adults. They love it when you mention the homework you’ve done about them and their company. Customers especially love it when you actually listen and prove that you remember their preferences.

Bottom line - don’t worry too much about how customers feel about you. Focus on how they feel about themselves when they're around you. Bonus tip - the same can be said about strengthening relationships with your co-workers.

Dealing with Internet Trolls and Angry Customers

Trusted Advisor Customer Service Video Tip

Trusted Advisor Customer Service Video Tip - Dealing with Internet Trolls and Angry CustomersIn a perfect world, we’d never have to deal with angry, vindictive people. In the real world, however, there may be times when you're confronted by unhappy people, either online, on the phone, or in person. The good news is in this video I share 6 strategies for calming cranky customers and having better days.


When Faster Service isn’t Better

Conventional customer service wisdom is that customers appreciate service that’s prompt. So you might have a conversation with the customer, then email them the materials they need just before you leave work at the end of the day.

Big mistake.

Not the part about doing the work before you leave - but emailing it to a customer at the end of their workday. That timing practically guarantees they’ll ignore it until the next day. But next morning they start receiving other emails, so your message from the night before gets ‘buried’ in their inbox.

The good news is it’s easy to still provide prompt service and have your info at your customer’s top of mind. Just commit to them at the outset that they’ll have the info within 24 hours. Then prepare your email as usual. But just before sending, in Outlook click email options, schedule it to go to the customer about a half hour after they arrive at work. That way it still seems prompt, and they’re more keen on opening it and considering it.

Anther quicktip - since the email will arrive in the morning, begin your email with "Good morning.." vs "Hi..." to make it sound more present and personal.

Bottom line, don’t just try to get something off your plate for a customer. Also keep in mind when they’ll have the appetite to receive it.


Register today for our 30 – second Trusted Advisor tips and receive as a bonus 15 Phrases that Pay for dealing with stressed and rushed customers.